Quebec Measures in force, Montréal Region
Measures in force
The Québec government has lifted most of the public health measures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Since March 12, 2022, the vaccination passport is no longer required in Quebec. However, presenting a proof of vaccination remains mandatory, according to federal government requirements, for travel on rail and air transport and when traveling abroad.
The requirement to wear a mask or face covering is gradually being relaxed. To find out more, see the Wearing a mask or a face covering in public settings in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic page.
However, you must continue to follow the basic health instructions.
Last update: March 14, 2022
Basic health instructions to limit the spread of COVID-19
Any person who has frequented a public place must monitor their symptoms and comply with the following health instructions.
Image représentant le lavage des mains
Wash your hands
Wash your hands often with warm running water and soap for at least 20 seconds, especially when you come in from outside. Consult the hand washing techniques as needed.
Disinfect your hands with an alcohol-based solution if you do not have access to water and soap.
To learn about the health measures to follow when you go to the grocery store, consult the video Conseils d’hygiène à l’épicerie et pour les fruits et légumes This hyperlink will open in a new window. (Health tips at the grocery store and for fruits and vegetables – available in French only).
Personne qui porte le masque
Cover your face
Mask wearing or face covering is mandatory for people aged 10 and over in public transit and in most closed or partly covered public places.
For all the details, consult Wearing a mask or a face covering in public settings in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wearing a mask is not mandatory outdoors.
It is also no longer mandatory for fully protected people at a gathering in a private home.
Représentation d’une personne qui tousse dans son coude
Cough into your elbow
When you cough or sneeze:
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your arm to reduce the spread of germs.
If you use a tissue paper, dispose of it as soon as possible and then wash your hands.
Every person has a role to play to reduce the risks of spreading the virus. See the page Preventing transmission of viruses and bacteria.
Distancing between two people
Keep your distance
Whenever possible, stay at least 1 metre apart (about 3 feet) from other people who do not live in the same household as you. If that is not possible, wear a mask.
Specific distancing instructions still apply for certain places and certain activities. See the measures in force to learn more.
If you are sick, avoid contact with other people, particularly with more vulnerable people, including people aged 70 or over, people with a weakened immune system and people with a chronic disease.
Avoid direct contact for greetings, such as handshaking, and instead use alternative practices.
Distancing is no longer necessary for fully protected people at a gathering in a private home or on private property.
image representing ventilate your homes
Ventilate your homes regularly
During gatherings, open windows and doors regularly to create a cross-breeze of fresh air. Even if it’s cold or wet outside, opening your window for a few minutes at a time will help.
Image représentant la consigne de limiter les déplacements
Plan your travel
If you are planning a trip in Québec, consult the instructions for travelling from one region to another or from one city to another during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the case of a trip to Canada or elsewhere in the world, observe the instructions for travellers.